Abstract submission guidelines

Abstract submission guidelines

Abstract submission guidelines

Abstracts Submission (Closed)

Welcome to the First International Congress of UNIPRO – IUCS 2022.
We would like to invite you to contribute to our Congress by submitting an abstract of your scientific work as a poster or oral presentation.
In the next topics you can find information about the submission of your scientific presentations.

- The scope of the abstract should focus original research (including observational studies, laboratory investigations, controlled clinical research, diagnostic accuracy studies, analytical epidemiology, relevant clinical cases or systematic reviews on oral Pathology and oral Rehabilitation fields (directly or indirectly). No narrative reviews will be accepted.
- Abstracts must be submitted electronically until March 15 th 25th (DEALINE EXTENDED) by the corresponding author (preferable presenting author) at the UNIPRO site platform (Link).

- Each registrant (presenting author) may only present one poster or one oral presentation, although could be co-author of others.
- All presenting authors must have registered for the congress and must paid the registration fee before the Congress to be allowed to present the abstract at the Congress.
- Acknowledgement of receipt of the abstract submission will be sent to the corresponding author.
- Notification regarding the decision of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the corresponding author at the end of March 2022.

- The abstract will appear in the congress program book and should provide a summary of the poster or oral presentation.
- Abstracts accepted for posters or oral presentations may be also be published in UNIPRO Newsletter.



• Abstracts must be submitted electronically by the corresponding author at the UNIPRO site platform (Link).

• Upon submission, please indicate a preferred type of presentation: poster (vertical 120x90cm format to be physically exposed at the congress) or oral presentation (10 minutes’ presentation and 5 minutes for discussion, and using ppt 16:9 format).

• Abstracts must be written in English, using arial letter format, size 12.

• Title should be written in capital letters.

• Include first and last name of the authors in capital letters and indicate affiliations and email from each. Highlighting the presenting author. The number of authors must not exceed 6 authors unless valid justification is submitted to the Scientific Committee.

• All abstracts must not exceed 250 words and should contain introduction, material and methods, results, and conclusions as subtitles. References could be added up to 5 references following Vancouver style (not included in word limits).

• All abstracts will be reviewed and scored. The Scientific Committee of the Congress will make the final decision regarding the type of presentation for accepted abstracts.

• Those with the highest score or with particularly interesting results will be invited to give a live oral presentation during the congress. The other accepted abstracts will be presented as posters.